Thursday, October 14, 2010

I strongly dislike potty training

Whew. Well, what a week this has been. Or maybe it's been longer than a week, either way, it's been rough. I like to keep this blog as a "happy place" where I chronicle the good times. Today was a good day, in comparison to the last week. I've actually thought on occasion that parenting is just too hard. But today was better. As I've mentioned, Lukasz has been going through a lot of changes lately, and we've also come to the conclusion that he's wanting more attention, and he's been sick... and of course there is the potty training. He is amazing at going to the potty when he needs to pee (sorry if this is too much information, but today there was so much progress made that I feel the need to chronicle it). He even will say, "OH! I need to go potty!" and run for his potty. And he never has an accident, unless he's wearing underwear, which he unfortunately has not figured out how to pull down over his little bum yet.

But getting him to poop on the potty has been an entirely different (exhausting, nerve-wracking, draining, horribly emotional) experience. I think most kids when they are in diapers poop standing up. If not, well, that's how my kids always did it; and it was a transition for them to learn how to go while sitting, when they were so used to going standing up. And I can totally understand that. Lukasz does not like it when he has to go and does not have a diaper on. His signs are crystal clear, the jerky leg dance, saying over and over again that he's cold... but if I wasn't watching every second, he'd start going somewhere completely random. We had no messes because I AM ALWAYS WATCHING, but man is it exhausting to be on constant poop patrol.

It has gotten to the point where I hate it when he's due for a b.m. So many false alarms, dragging him to the toilet, having him slither down the second I turn my back, putting him back on, the yelling, the crying, the really really really needing to go yet refusing to... ARGH!

But tonight was better (I'm not even going to go into the details of today). I knew he needed to go; I was watching him, the signs were there. I gave him a quick bath and then had him (conveniently) wait in the bathroom while I bathed Lily. Wonder of wonders he actually said to me twice, "I need to go poo." I would put him on the toilet, but he'd slither off and lie down on the floor with his knees tucked under him... well I happened to read things right and hoisted him up and onto the toilet at just the right moment. He went on the toilet, and he was pretty annoyed with me about it. I called Tom so Lukasz could tell him the news, but he just grunted, refusing to acknowledge that he'd done something great.

*Insert huge sigh.*

But we're getting there... and there are still fun times despite the chaos.

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