Sunday, April 11, 2010

A beautiful afternoon at the park.

It's been a long time since the four of us have enjoyed good weather at a park, relaxing, kicking a soccer ball, building sand castles, or doing any of those simple, fun things that warm weather invites.

This morning we had Lily's keyboard class, and when we got home, Lukasz was having a nap. Lily & Tom then went for a walk to the nearby bakery and to drop off some drycleaning. When they got back, Lily really wanted to go to the park. But when Lukasz woke up from his nap and it was time to go, she had fallen asleep on our bed. So we bundled a sleeping Lily into Lukasz's stroller and off we went.

I didn't have a chance yet to fully blog about Lukasz's new-found obsession with skateboarding. While in Kelowna he spent hours on an old skateboard deck of Shane's. At home we have no skateboard deck, and I discourage jumping in the apartment because of the thin walls and floors and perhaps a grumpy neighbour, too.

He found this foam mat I kneel on when bathing them, and it is now his "board". And he decided to take it with him to the park to get in some boarding while we were there.


Here he is checking out the scene... I wonder if he was feeling shy about boarding with all the kids that were running around...


After a little boarding, Tom and I were starting to freeze, so we pulled out the soccer ball.


Lily woke up in the middle of the soccer fun, had a snack and then she was ready to play, too. It was so nice to see Tom with us at the park, and to watch them all kick the ball around together - I keep seeing little snatches of fun here and there and it hits me just how fun and active this summer is going to be.


After close to an hour of kicking the ball and chasing it, Lukasz was ready for a rest. So he plunked himself down in the middle of the field. I love the sunlight on his little rooster (fluff of hair).


After the kids had enough of soccer, it was time to blow some bubbles.


This photo is one of my favourite ones ever. Pure happiness.


It was wonderful to just get back to being a kid again for a few hours. Responsibilities fade away a bit at the park. I'm so grateful that we have one right across the street!


Lukasz is mastering bubble blowing. I'm constantly amazed at just how able he is.


My love. ♥



This is one of those times when a picture is worth 1,000 words...




Not to get sappy on my kids' blog or anything, but the way Tom gets those crinkles all the way to his eyes when he smiles always melts my heart. ♥



After bubbles, it was time for the sandbox. Lily built a mountain out of sand, and Lukasz plunked his "board" down on it and informed us that he was "snowboarding". :)

It was an afternoon of fun and good times together that we all really needed.



Monika :) said...

Sounds and looks like a perfect afternoon for the whole family. I love your pictures, pure joy, freedom and love :) An afternoon treasure in the vast ocean of mundane daily life. Hugs to you all :)

2littlebeans said...

Thanks Monika. :) It was a treasure. When all goes to h-e-double-hockey-sticks I just look back at those photos and it gives me a little peace.