Monday, May 19, 2008

Subtle potty training

We've been trying for a while now to get Lily started potty training. At first, she just flat out refused to sit on it, so we left it alone. But recently she's been asking to sit on it. So we take her diaper off and sit her down on it. She likes to have company, so she asks Tatus or I to sit on the big potty, while she sits on hers. She hasn't done anything in the potty yet, but she's willing to sit on it.

To help her take the next step, we bought her a book about a little girl named Prudence who learns to use her potty. Lily likes this story, and she's had me read it to her many times. I've also seen her looking through it on her own... let's hope it works and soon she's making poopie and pee-pee in her own potty. :)

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