Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 5 of croup

Lukasz is finally feeling better. On Wednesday he had come down with the croup quite suddenly, and Tom took him to the hospital that night because of his fever and awful sounding cough. He received some steroids to reduce the swelling in his throat, and some tylenol to help with the pain, and they came back home.

Over the next 3 days he slowly lost his voice and was very grumpy and low-energy. Just wanted to lie down or be held most of the time. On Saturday night he woke up crying a high-pitched cry of pain, and was clutching his throat. Pretty scary to see. I got him calmed down by singing to him and he fell asleep but then when I called the nurse line and they listened to his breathing over the phone, they said to take him in right away.

So Tom took him to the hospital again and they were there for 5 hours, during which time Lukasz receieved 2 nebulizers, some steroids and some advil. They got home at 4 a.m. this morning.

He slept till 11 a.m. then napped from 1:30 p.m. till almost 5:00 p.m. so yes, of course there is no way he's falling asleep at a regular bedtime. It's past 10:30 p.m. and he's still awake, calling my name, yelling UP. I don't want him to cry because his throat could get really sore again.

So now, he's up, and watching Bob the Builder. He asked for "Sho'cake" first, though. That must be Lily's influence.

So Lukasz and Tom are sitting on the couch, porking out on pita chips and hummus, watching Bob the Builder... and it's 11 p.m.

At least he's happy, not in pain, and EATING.

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