In a vain effort to catch up on my editing (I currently have four cases on the go at once... unheard of), I popped the kids into bed right at 8:30 tonight. Lily was looking sleepy, Lukasz, being sick, was not. Tom is working late so I went through the nightly routine, read many stories, brushed teeth, pjs on, then Zoom zoom off to the moon and to bed. Lily thankfully wanted to zoom herself off to bed, don't know that I could have carried them both at once!
So they were tucked into bed and I settled myself down to catch up on this crazy pile of editing, and Lukasz got the talkies. And the singies, and the wailies. No those are not words, but no other words that I know of can aptly describe the cacophony of sounds that were coming out of the baby monitor for half an hour. Finally he started coughing, I guess he dried his throat out with all the gabbling. Lily called out, "Mommy, Woochie is thirsty. He needs some water!" I figured she was probably right and took them each a glass of water.
Water duty done, I decided to settle them down by singing some songs. I told them I'd sing two songs. Lily requested "Baa, baa black sheep" and "Moon moon".
Short songs. Atta girl.
Moon moon is a song we don't know the title of. She heard it on a tv program where a woman sang it beautifully after reading "Guess How Much I Love You?".
It goes like this:
Moon, moon shiny and silver,
Moon, moon, silvery white,
Moon, mooon, whisper to children
"Sleep through the silvery night"
There, there, there, there,
Sleep through the silvery night.
I don't have the greatest singing voice, and the "There"s get consecutively higher and sometimes I end up squeaking it out at the end. But tonight my voice was surprisingly nice, to my own ears anyway.
I finished the songs, said good night and left the room.
And Lukasz started to cry.
And cry and cry and cry.
Apparently he wanted an encore, because inbetween his cries, he was saying "Moon moon!"
So I went back in and sang it again. And again. Then I rubbed his back and asked him if he could go to sleep now. His prompt answer was "Nope."
I rubbed his back some more and he said, "Moon moon!", then held up two fingers and said, "TWO!"
Yes sir.
So I sang Moon moon two more times, and then backed out of the room as I finished singing and shut the door. He started crying again, but I thought I'd wait it out and see if he sailed off...
He was crying when I started this post, but now all I hear is the occasional murmur....
Fingers crossed.
Great story. Isn't it funny how early kids learn to negotiate for greater quantities of what they like? "TWO!!"
Yes, it is! He really surprised me that night! :)
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